Reliance Partners, LLC
TIA Bond Program

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Marketplace Digest

Marketplace articles are provided by TIA Marketplace participants. These TIA members provide content relevant to the products or services they provide to the transportation brokers, carriers and other businesses in the logistics industry. These articles are published in the bi-weekly Marketplace Digest email, and are searchable by category or participant.

Fighting Fraud Means Fighting These Fraud Monsters

Fighting Fraud Means Fighting These Fraud Monsters

Content Provided by TRUCKSTOP
Bad actors are getting smarter, faster, and sneakier at targeting and infiltrating systems.
Bond Renewing in October?  

Bond Renewing in October?  

Content Provided by TIA Bond Program
DYK…less than 1% of all brokers, forwarders, and other 3PLs have bonds that exceed the $75,000 level.
Freight Fraud Has No Business in Your Business

Freight Fraud Has No Business in Your Business

Content Provided by TRUCKSTOP
Freight fraud, scammers get sneakier, smarter, and even more insidious, using increasingly sophisticated tactics to wreak havoc...

3PL Perspectives Magazine

The Latest Issues

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Marketplace Tips

Tip # 39
Tip # 40

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