TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: April 7th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for April 7. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.

The U.S. Senate plans to pass another smaller relief package on Thursday by voice vote that could potentially provide an additional $200-$250 billion in additional funding for small businesses.

There has been a huge influx of applications to the SBA PPP loans over the last couple of days and Congress wants to ensure that as many small businesses can take advantage of this important loan as possible.

TIA’s Virtual Lunch & Learn webinar series is proving to be a hit with many of you, as we had more than 110 registrants for this afternoon’s session providing a walkthrough of the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. If you were unable to attend, you can view the session on-demand. Thank you again to McLeod Software for sponsoring today’s webinar.

A reminder that you won’t want to miss Thursday’s webinar: FMCSA’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This session will feature FMCSA’s Acting Administrator Jim Mullen + Q&A and is sponsored by Truckstop.com.

As I suspected, the dramatic reduction we saw in Sunday’s new cases for the U.S. and France included some Sunday accounting. Obviously some missed cases showed up in today’s numbers, raising new cases above Sunday’s count. Nonetheless, the average for both was well below their Saturday peaks, indicating an inflection point. We will know more tomorrow.

Almost everybody else was down on new cases. The consistency of the patterns across multiple countries and regions indicates that the worst is past for new cases. Given the lags on deaths, we have several more days before those numbers inflect.

It looks like the World will total 150,000 deaths and the U.S. around 50,000. Those are troubling numbers for sure. We can be thankful that they will fall short of the fears of millions of deaths.

We’ll be back tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

Here’s Bing Crosby singing about the “Dear Hearts & Gentle People” that live in his home town. We love hearing from you, our dear hearts and gentle people, but we really missed seeing you in Austin last week.

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