TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 13th
As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 13. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.
As mentioned yesterday, the House rolled out their latest proposed COVID-19 relief package. The proposal carries a $3 trillion price tag. TIA Government Affairs staff has prepared a brief summary of the major provisions, which can be found HERE or in the TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.
Register now for tomorrow’s Virtual Lunch & Learn webinar “Establishing & Maintaining Carrier Relationships During Major Market Disruption.” Given the current climate surrounding freight rates, having strong relationships with your carriers is more important than ever. Learn the keys to managing these relationships by registering now! Special thanks to TriumphPay for their sponsorship.
We are now five days into a steady decline in U.S. statistics, despite a major counting adjustment in Illinois that produced a new daily record for cases in that state. We suspect a counting issue because Illinois also had a good day in week-to-week death counts.
Watch out tomorrow as Wednesday is the weekly max for deaths, as Thursday or Friday are for cases.
We’ll be back tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.
Keeping with our Navy theme, here’s Spike Jones and “Sailor with the Navy Blue Eyes.”