TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: June 12th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for June 12. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

In the midst of , we would like to thank you all for your support throughout these tough times. Going forward, we will no longer be sending routine COVID-19 updates. We will still be sure to update you with any pertinent information regarding TIA and the 3PL industry as it becomes available to us.

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: June 10th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for June 10. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced their decision to extend the emergency declaration that relaxes the hours-of-service (HOS) regulations until July 14th with some modifications. The modification scales back some of the trucking operations that were covered under the earlier exemption. The modified emergency declaration allows regulatory relief for drivers providing direct assistance in support of emergency efforts related to the virus and is limited to transportation of:


  • Livestock and livestock feed.
  • Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
  • Supplies and equipment necessary for community safety, sanitation and prevention of community transmission of COVID-19 such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants.

The previous versions allowed for a wider variety of goods to be included under the emergency declaration including fuel, raw materials, paper products and groceries.



Tuesday was a particularly good day for cases. The improvement came from the new-case states whose numbers exceeded the old Hot Spot states. With the approach of those states to very low numbers, the daily reductions that have dominated U.S. stats will soon disappear. So, for the U.S. to achieve overall reductions, the reductions must come from the new states. We see that today in Arizona, a recent expander.

Note that one or two good days will put Mexico and Brazil in the Inflection phase, something we have been hoping for. They are where the U.S. was a month ago.

We’ll be back on Friday afternoon with additional COVID-19 updates and information.

Here are the Mills Brothers with “.”

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: June 5th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for June 5. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

On June 3, 2020, the Senate approved H.R. 7010, the “Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020” by a voice vote. This follows the House of Representatives who approved the measure on May 28, 2020 on a roll call vote of 417-1. The bill has been sent to President Trump’s desk for his signature to make it law and was signed into law today.

Leaders from both parties in the Senate rushed to pass this legislation on Wednesday as the clock on the initial eight-week window expired for the first round of PPP loans.

TIA Government Affairs prepared a white paper on the changes, which can be found .


Thank you for joining us for all of our COVID-19 updates. These will begin to be distributed only on Mondays, Wendesndays, & Fridays, but we will be sure to inform you of any pertinent updates as soon as possible.


The U.S. was back on a downhill track with respect to deaths Wednesday with reductions in most states. It was a neutral day for cases, with significant week-over-week increases in CA, FL, NC, AZ, all good retirement states.

In Europe, Sweden reported a major increase in cases, without an accompanying rise in deaths. We see there another of the common reporting glitches, obviously a catch-up day.

Regarding Sweden, a country with few restrictions on mobility, a recent report states that tighter restrictions would have saved lives there. Typically, however, the report neglects to quantify the additional economic cost of such an option. Note that the case data in the U.S. does not indicate eliminating restrictions based on earlier standards for case reductions. Nonetheless, the country is steadily opening up due to a growing appreciation for the economic effects of restrictions.

We’ll be back on Monday afternoon with additional COVID-19 updates and information.

June 4, 1942 the Battle of Midway began. While the war would last another 3 years, the battle was decisive and the US Navy defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy turning the tide in the Pacific. Since we shared the Navy themed tunes last month, here are the Sons of the Pioneers with “.

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: June 3rd

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for June 3. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

Today the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee released the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America in America Act or the INVEST Act. The INVEST Act is a five-year, $494 billion surface transportation re-authorization bill, to replace the FAST Act which expires on September 30, 2020. TIA Government Affairs team has prepared a background paper on items of interest for 3PLs. Please find the background paper .



Thank you for joining us for all of our COVID-19 updates. These will begin to be distributed only on Mondays, Wendesndays, & Fridays, but we will be sure to inform you of any pertinent updates as soon as possible.


Tuesday’s numbers were up week-to-week in both cases and deaths. Most of the case increases came from Texas, Arizona, and the Other category. Much of the story is the continued effect of the long weekend.

However, new analysis shows a significant structural explanation. If you look at the third chart on Exhibit 3, you will see that all of the welcome reductions we have witnessed since late April are concentrated in the Northeast states where the contagion scored its first and biggest hits. The beginning mortality rates were almost twice the national average there – nearly two-thirds of the deaths in just eight states. Now, blessedly, deaths have declined in the Northeast to below the national average.

The Northeast data shows the now-familiar pattern of problems early, followed by a slow decline. The ‘rest’ numbers are not declining because of the heterogeneous nature of those states. Fourteen of those states have falling contagions; twelve are in the inflecting stage, while seventeen have rising contagions. We got falling national stats through much of May because the original victims were hit so hard, and their recoveries counted for a lot. Now that they are showing low numbers, the still flat numbers from the rest dominate the average. We won’t get a resumption of declines until the contagions reach herd immunity in states like California, Texas, Arizona, and North Carolina. We are hopeful that such a process will begin soon. However, some analyses, like the one we distributed from David Mackie of J.P. Morgan, postulate that increased social mobility will either retard or reverse any reductions. Results over the next two weeks will tell us if David is right.

Either way, this data and other new analyses show that we have a two-part epidemic. The early stage, concentrated in dense Eastern Cities, was unusually severe, approaching pandemic proportions, hence the lockdowns. That stage is now over, leaving us with a troubling but manageable contagion consistent with a bad year of ‘normal’ influenza. Americans seem increasingly willing to live with that risk in exchange for the return to a fully-operating economy.

We’ll be back on Friday afternoon with additional COVID-19 updates and information.

Here’s Glenn Miller & His Orchestra and “.”

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 29th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 29. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

The Government Affairs team recently recorded the latest on the little unknown regulation 49 CFR 371.3 that is making all the noise in Washington, DC right now. TIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Chris Burroughs examines 371.3 and the original intent of the regulation and whether or not a broker can legally contract out of it, because of NDAs they are required to sign by their shipper customers. You don’t want to miss this podcast.  to listen!


As we hoped, yesterday produced good results after the Wednesday catchup for the long weekend was done. Although this remains a quirky week, U.S. cases registered their best week-over-week reduction while deaths fell as well. Of particular note is the week-over-week drop in ‘Rest of the Week’ cases and deaths, suggesting that the newer parts of the country have achieved herd immunity.

FL, IL, and LA posted the best gains.

The full week death number for the U.S. dropped below 1,000 for the first time. It was over 2,100 late in April. A continuation of that rate of reduction would have us at very low death counts by the end of June. That would put the U.S. at 118,000 deaths, a troubling number, but well below forecast numbers of a month ago. While this contagion has produced totals well above the optimistic forecasts that Asian statistics suggested in March, its results are fundamentally below the levels that health experts used to justify the extreme economic restrictions.

We’ll be back Monday with COVID-19 updates and information that came throughout the weekend.

What’s better on a summer Friday than the Andrews Sisters and “.” Have a safe and fun weekend!

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 28th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 28. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

Thanks to everyone who joined today’s , “Generating Business and Protecting the Brand in a COVID Economy.” As a reminder, all Virtual Lunch & Learn webinars can also be accessed . Please Note: Due to the proprietary nature of the information presented in this webinar, the presentation will not be made available to attendees.


Yesterday was a makeup day for the long weekend. This effect is most obvious in the ‘Other’ segment of the U.S. data where the case count was up 1,941 from the previous Wednesday, normally a modest day. The Other segment also pared with Pennsylvania to produce an increase in deaths over a week ago. We expect more favorable results tomorrow as the metric turbulence eases. California had a better day, especially concerning cases.

We’ll be back on tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

Please enjoy Duke Ellington as we “.”

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 27th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 27. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

The Government Affairs team recently recorded the latest  on the little unknown regulation 49 CFR 371.3 that is making all the noise in Washington, DC right now. TIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Chris Burroughs examines CFR 371.3 and the original intent of the regulation and whether or not a broker can legally contract out of it, because of NDAs they are required to sign by their shipper customers. A link to the podcast will be emailed to TIA Members towards the end of the week, so keep an eye on your inbox!



Reminder to join us tomorrow at 12:00 PM ET for the latest installment of TIA’s  series – Generating Business and Protecting the Brand in a COVID Economy. This webinar will help you to navigate the new COVID economy, reshape your business approach, and leverage your sales and marketing to ultimately grow share of customers and generate new business. Brian Everett, CEO of the , will share key sales and marketing metrics and best practices that have been used successfully by other intermediaries during these uncertain times. !



Join TIA and  tomorrow at 2:00 PM ET for the latest  – Transportation Systems, Strategy & Selection – featuring a conversation on strategy and selection of a Transportation Management System (TMS) that’s right for you. A quality TMS can reduce costs, but many brokers don’t take advantage or know which TMS works best for their business. The right TMS can improve efficiencies, accuracy, execution, reduce spending, and improve workflow. !


Another good day marked an important milestone for the U.S. The significant reduction in week-over-week deaths brought us more than fifty percent below our peak in deaths in early April. This good news comes despite California’s increase in cases and Rhode Island’s increases in deaths. Such exceptions will continue given the variations in the virus’ trends and our measurement of the same.

Today will be another important day it being the second day after a weekend/holiday pause when the authorities often play catchup. The numbers will probably be up. We will see by how much. Note that yesterday was up over Monday, but well below the previous Tuesday. We hope for that today.

We’ll be back on tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

please enjoy “Far Away Places” in two versions,  and .

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 26th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 26. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s .

The Government Affairs team recently recorded the latest  on the little unknown regulation 49 CFR 371.3 that is making all the noise in Washington, DC right now. TIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Chris Burroughs examines CFR 371.3 and the original intent of the regulation and whether or not a broker can legally contract out of it, because of NDAs they are required to sign by their shipper customers. A link to the podcast will be emailed to TIA Members towards the end of the week, so keep an eye on your inbox!



Thanks to everyone who joined today’s  webinar, “From Golden Handcuffs to Non-Competes: Understanding Employment Contracts & Restrictions.” As a reminder, all Virtual Lunch & Learn webinars can also be accessed .


Wonderful U.S. numbers yesterday. But remember the holiday has certainly lowered the reports. We will know much more tomorrow. Be prepared for increases.

Note that now California has taken the lead for new cases. California’s performance is not surprising for such a large state. They are apparently short of the numbers needed for herd immunity. However, their new deaths per day number is miraculously low. Wouldn’t it be nice if this virus is losing strength?

We’ll be back on tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

Please enjoy Glenn Miller & His Orchestra and “.

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 11th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 11. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.


TIA’s Government Affairs staff has been contacted by several Congressional offices who have heard from their local owner-operators about this issue. The problem stems from the fact that the demand for freight in the supply-chain has plummeted, therefore causing rates to decrease, all because of the COVID-19 pandemic. TIA is calling on all members to take control of the situation and fight back by contacting their Members of Congress in support of the 3PL industry.

Take Action!


Don’t forget to register for tomorrow’s Virtual Lunch & Learn webinar What Will Carrier Capacity Look Like Over The Next 3 to 6 Months? This webinar will focus on the various factors that are likely to impact carrier capacity over the next several months including an aging driver population, shortage of new drivers, drivers who are at least temporarily taking themselves out of the driver pool through COVID-19, as well as industry changes (both surging and waning industries), and more. Thank you to Descartes for sponsoring this webinar.


The U.S. had its best day yet, down over 7,000 in cases over last week and 400 below last Sunday’s death count. Note in the Exhibit 2 table that both old and new states were, down over last week. We expect tomorrow to be also a low day as Mondays are weak measurement days. The numbers will jump up on Tuesday and Wednesday although we can hope for week-over-week reductions.

Georgia bares watching in the state data. Its cases were up perhaps due to the relaxation of restrictions in that state– or just from a random measurement phenomenon. Several more days should give a better idea.

However, there is no evidence to support that so far.

We’ll be back tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

For today’s musical selection, here are the Andrew Sisters with “Here Comes the Navy.”

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update: May 7th

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Daily Update for May 7. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.


TIA’s Government Affairs staff has been contacted by several Congressional offices who have heard from their local owner-operators about this issue. The problem stems from the fact that the demand for freight in the supply-chain has plummeted, therefore causing rates to decrease, all because of the COVID-19 pandemic. TIA is calling on all members to take control of the situation and fight back by contacting their Members of Congress in support of the 3PL industry.

Take Action!


Thank you to everyone who joined us for this afternoon’s Virtual Lunch & Learn webinar Business as Usual, with nationally recognized sales productivity expert John Boyens and a special thank you to Teknowlogi for sponsoring this webinar! As a reminder, you can access all past Virtual Lunch & Learn webinars on-demand.


The new case data for the U.S. yesterday demonstrates the importance of accounting for the day of the week. In the first chart in Exhibit 1, Wednesday’s case number moved up. However, the table on Exhibit 2 shows that cases are down 2,970 on a week-over-week basis because Wednesday is usually a big new case day. As a result, the moving average metric for cases fell yesterday after moving up for two days. However, the same record keeping shows that deaths moved up on a week-over-week basis, not much, but still worthy of our interest the next few days.

We see from the state data that the jump in deaths was concentrated in New York, bring them near their previous high. (See Table 3A.) The graph in Exhibit 5 tells us that the bad day was a big reversal of a very positive trend. The big jump looks like the catch-up addition of a group of deaths previously missing rather than a trend. This New York change bears watching.

Internationally there is good news south of our border. Mexico had a rare good day in new cases.

We’ll be back tomorrow with COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

For today’s musical selection, enjoy the sounds of Glenn Miller and “Fools Rush In.”

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