First Quarter 2016 3PL Benchmarking Report Shows a Margin Increase to Balance a Loss in Volume

Alexandria, VA – June 1, 2016, Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) has released their First Quarter 2016 TIA 3PL Benchmarking Report and the results show that TIA members’ total shipments decreased compared to Q4 2015, while an increase in gross profit margin percentage balanced the lacking freight volume.

However, total revenue still decreased 10.3 percent between the quarters and all modes surveyed experienced revenue declines between 5.3 percent and 12 percent.Below is a comparison of performance for the three primary modes in Q1 2016 versus Q4 2015:

Mode Summary Q116 vs. Q415
Metric TL LTL Intermodal
Total Shipments -1.9% 2.6% -1.6%
Invoice Amount/Load -11.2% -7.8% -5.6%
Total Invoice Dollars -12.0% -5.3% -7.1%
Margin % 70 Basis Points -30 Basis Points 40 Basis Points

The report represents nearly 1.2 million shipments and $2 billion in total revenue for Q1 2016.

The report contains rolling eight-quarter trends, fuel price comparisons, and allows 3PLs to see how the overall industry is performing as well as to compare their business to companies of a similar size. The full report is available to the public for purchase on TIA’s website.
Author Mark Christos speaks on the value of the benchmarking report here.

The publication is based on a monthly survey of TIA members who submit current operating data, and answer questions on business conditions affecting the 3PL industry. TIA’s efforts provide a truly comprehensive report on the trends and practices of the 3PL industry
For additional questions, contact Matt Hirniak ([email protected] 703.299.5714).

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $160.2 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines, doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations. TIA is the United States member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations, FIATA.

TIA is the premier organization for third-party logistics professionals in North America and abroad. Membership at TIA adds value to your business and provides resources for growth.
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